The brain is a muscle and like all muscles, it needs good fuel to function at its best. So if you’re looking to improve your focus and stay sharp while hitting the books, you should try to include brain-friendly foods in your diet.
Some great brain-food options include fish, nuts, seeds, avocado, and dark leafy greens. So load up on these healthy foods and get ready to tackle that next big test!
1. Fish
Fish is a great brain-food because it’s high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for …
Nutrition Tips for Teachers – How to Stay Sharp and Full of Energy Throughout the Workday
Teaching students full-time is a cognitively challenging vocation. Throughout the workday, an educator needs to make all sorts of decisions, present different topics in an understandable manner for all students, answer all kinds of questions coming from the students, and deal with all types of unexpected situations in the classroom.
Despite that, they are working a high-energy job. So there is no doubt that packing lunch bags for school with healthy meals is not their top priority, at least not for most teachers.
Ways to Make Meals Last Longer
Who does not wish that their meals can last long? Avocado lovers can understand this. You do not need to worry much about wasting food because you can make the most of your food with a little planning. One of the easy ways to stretch your meals is to make sure your freezer is working properly. Here are some ways to make your meals last longer.
Have a stock of whole grains such as lentils, beans, barley, oats, brown rice, and farro
If you have leftover vegetables you do not know what to do with; you can cook some pasta. Then, cook the veggies into your sauce of choice. This can ensure that your vegetables will not go …
How Important Is School Breakfast?
According to research, breakfast is vital to children because it provides the nutrients they need to start the day. Moreover, eating breakfast can help them stay more focused in class, have better behavior, and improves social-emotional development.
Breakfast programs believe that all children deserve to have a healthy meal so that they can perform better academically and lessen their absences. To make breakfast easier to access, these programs create breakfast options such as eating breakfast in classrooms and quick breakfast meals. Nevertheless, they want to assess how the schools and students benefit from these programs in the …
Ways to Improve Children’s Nutrition When Eating Healthily Is a Challenge
Even though there are many public and private programs and sources to improve children’s eating habits, many experts say that these programs and sources are not enough. Moreover, some parents who have financial difficulties can overlook the importance of proper nutrition.
To help children have access to nutritious food, here are some things that may help at homes, schools, and communications that can help create an informed, supportive, and healthy environment.
Some communities have access to local programs and resources such as grocery store substitutes. Parents can check mobile markets and food delivery …