When your children are at home, you can make the most out of this moment by providing them time to experience and learn about nature. It can also be beneficial for their health since their immune system can be improved when they get their hands dirty. Aside from learning about science more, they can enjoy fresh air when they are out in the environment. Here are some nature-themed activity ideas you can do.
Bug Hunting
You and your children can go outside and bring with you a magnifying glass, a notebook, a pencil, and a small container. Then, go around the base of trees, bushes, and flowers or turn over rocks so that you can see some bugs.
When you see a harmless bug, place it carefully in the container so your kids can look at it more clearly. When you are done, return it to the wild.
You do not need a large yard to do this outdoor project. A small plot or space is enough for children to learn about plants. It can also develop children’s motor skills and their senses of sight, smell, and touch.